
ClientRegDLL.html本 程 式 方 法 介 绍 利 用 客 户 端 注 册 DLL 文 件。
 下 一 回 讲 解 客 户 端 如 何 获 得 DLL 文 件。Client use asp to register the exist dll fileClient use asp to register the exist dll file <script language="vbscript">" we had produce the WebReport.dll file and place in the client "win <98 windowssystemWebReport.dll"win 98 windowssystem32WebReport.dll"win nt40 winntsystemWebReport.dll "win 2000 winntsystem32WebReport.dll sub fun_reg() Dim WshShell,fsoSet WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")If fso.FileExists("windowssystemWebReport.dll") Then WshShell.run "regsvr32 /s windowssystemWebReport.dll" , 1, truemsgbox "Register windowssystemWebReport.dll file sucess!" elseIf fso.FileExists("windowssystem32WebReport.dll") Then WshShell.run "regsvr32 /s windowssystem32WebReport.dll" , 1, truemsgbox "Register windowssystem32WebReport.dll file sucess!" elseIf fso.FileExists("winntsystemWebReport.dll") Then WshShell.run "regsvr32 /s winntsystemWebReport.dll" , 1, truemsgbox "Register winntsystemWebReport.dll file sucess!" elseIf fso.FileExists("d:winntsystem32WebReport.dll") Then WshShell.run "regsvr32 /s d:winntsystem32WebReport.dll" , 1, truemsgbox "Register d:winntsystem32WebReport.dll file sucess!" elsemsgbox "Not found the register dll file!" end if set fso=nothingset WshShell=nothingend sub </script>
