
* Sort an two-dimension array by some level two items use array_multisort() function.
* sysSortArray($Array,"Key1","SORT_ASC","SORT_RETULAR","Key2"……)
* @param array $ArrayData the array to sort.
* @param string $KeyName1 the first item to sort by.
* @param string $SortOrder1 the order to sort by("SORT_ASC"|"SORT_DESC")
* @param string $SortType1 the sort type("SORT_REGULAR"|"SORT_NUMERIC"|"SORT_STRING")
* @return array sorted array.
function sysSortArray($ArrayData,$KeyName1,$SortOrder1 = "SORT_ASC",$SortType1 = "SORT_REGULAR")
return $ArrayData;

// Get args number.
$ArgCount = func_num_args();

// Get keys to sort by and put them to SortRule array.
for($I = 1;$I < $ArgCount;$I )
$Arg = func_get_arg($I);
$KeyNameList[] = $Arg;
$SortRule[] = "$".$Arg;
$SortRule[] = $Arg;

// Get the values according to the keys and put them to array.
foreach($ArrayData AS $Key => $Info)
foreach($KeyNameList AS $KeyName)
${$KeyName}[$Key] = $Info[$KeyName];

// Create the eval string and eval it.
$EvalString = "array_multisort(".join(",",$SortRule).",$ArrayData);";
eval ($EvalString);
return $ArrayData;
