
sqlultimate.asp--Part A
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = True
Session.Timeout = 1
Response.ContentType = "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
"--- Declarations
Dim strQueryType
Dim strClip          " String to display workspace
Dim strDB          " String to display relative database path
Dim strTable           " String to hold the table name
Dim numTableValue
Dim strDBName
Dim strdbpath
Dim strConnect
Dim strSQL
Dim boolTableInfo
Dim strServer
Dim strUserID
Dim strPassword
Dim count
Dim intSpacer
Dim strIdentity
Dim strQuery
Dim strLoad
Dim strCreate
Dim strTableName
Dim strQOption,strQOption1,strQOption2,strQOption3
"--- Initialization
strTable = request("schema")
strClip = Trim(Request.Form("strClip"))
If request("selectdb") = "Select DB" Then
     strSQL = ""
    strSQL = Trim(Request.Form("strSQL"))
    strSQL = replace(strSQL,vbCrLf,"")
    strClip = Trim(Request("strClip"))        " get workspace values from form
End If
strLoad = request("Load")
If request("submitquery") = "Submit Query" Then
     strSQL = Trim(request("strSQL"))
