

png 在ie6背景不透明解决方法
<script >
* dd_belatedpng: adds ie6 support: png images for css教程 background-image and html .
* author: drew diller
* email: drew.diller@gmail.com
* url: http://www.dillerdesign.com/experiment/dd_belatedpng/
* version: 0.0.8a
* licensed under the mit license: http://dillerdesign.com/experiment/dd_belatedpng/#license
* example usage:
* dd_belatedpng.fix(".png_bg"); // argument is a css selector
* dd_belatedpng.fixpng( somenode ); // argument is an htmldomelement

please read:
absolutely everything in this script is silly.  i know this.  ie"s rendering of certain pixels doesn"t make sense, so neither does this code!

var dd_belatedpng = {
 ns: "dd_belatedpng",
 imgsize: {},
 delay: 10,
 nodesfixed: 0,
 createvmlnamespace: function () { /* enable vml */
  if (document.namespaces && !document.namespaces[this.ns]) {
   document.namespaces.add(this.ns, "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
 createvmlstylesheet: function () { /* style vml, enable behaviors */
   just in case lots of other developers have added
   lots of other stylesheets using document.createstylesheet
   and hit the 31-limit mark, let"s not use that method!
   further reading: asp教程x">http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531194(vs.85).aspx
  var screenstylesheet, printstylesheet;
  screenstylesheet = document.createelement("style");
  screenstylesheet.setattribute("media", "screen");
  document.documentelement.firstchild.insertbefore(screenstylesheet, document.documentelement.firstchild.firstchild);
  if (screenstylesheet.stylesheet) {
   screenstylesheet = screenstylesheet.stylesheet;
   screenstylesheet.addrule(this.ns + ":*", "{behavior:url(#default#vml)}");
   screenstylesheet.addrule(this.ns + ":shape", "position:absolute;");
   screenstylesheet.addrule("img." + this.ns + "_sizefinder", "behavior:none; border:none; position:absolute; z-index:-1; top:-10000px; visibility:hidden;"); /* large negative top value for avoiding vertical scrollbars for large images, suggested by james o"brien, ps教程ic.org/hendrik/">http://www.thanatopsic.org/hendrik/ */
   this.screenstylesheet = screenstylesheet;
   printstylesheet = document.createelement("style");
   printstylesheet.setattribute("media", "print");
   document.documentelement.firstchild.insertbefore(printstylesheet, document.documentelement.firstchild.firstchild);
   printstylesheet = printstylesheet.stylesheet;
   printstylesheet.addrule(this.ns + ":*", "{display: none !important;}");
   printstylesheet.addrule("img." + this.ns + "_sizefinder", "{display: none !important;}");
 readpropertychange: function () {
  var el, display, v;
  el = event.srcelement;
  if (!el.vmlinitiated) {
  if (event.propertyname.search("background") != -1 || event.propertyname.search("border") != -1) {
  if (event.propertyname == "style.display") {
   display = (el.currentstyle.display == "none") ? "none" : "block";
   for (v in el.vml) {
    if (el.vml.hasownproperty(v)) {
     el.vml[v].shape.style.display = display;
  if (event.propertyname.search("filter") != -1) {
 vmlopacity: function (el) {
  if (el.currentstyle.filter.search("lpha") != -1) {
   var trans = el.currentstyle.filter;
   trans = parseint(trans.substring(trans.lastindexof("=")+1, trans.lastindexof(")")), 10)/100;
   el.vml.color.shape.style.filter = el.currentstyle.filter; /* complete guesswork */
   el.vml.image.fill.opacity = trans; /* complete guesswork */
 handlepseudohover: function (el) {
  settimeout(function () { /* wouldn"t work as intended without settimeout */
  }, 1);
 * this is the method to use in a document.
 * @param {string} selector - required - a css selector, such as "#doc .container"
 fix: function (selector) {
  if (this.screenstylesheet) {
   var selectors, i;
   selectors = selector.split(","); /* multiple selectors supported, no need for multiple calls to this anymore */
   for (i=0; i     this.screenstylesheet.addrule(selectors[i], "behavior:expression(dd_belatedpng.fixpng(this))"); /* seems to execute the function without adding it to the stylesheet - interesting... */
 applyvml: function (el) {
  el.runtimestyle.csstext = "";
  if (el.isimg) {
 attachhandlers: function (el) {
  var self, handlers, handler, moreforas, a, h;
  self = this;
  handlers = {resize: "vmloffsets", move: "vmloffsets"};
  if (el.nodename == "a") {
   moreforas = {mouseleave: "handlepseudohover", mouseenter: "handlepseudohover", focus: "handlepseudohover", blur: "handlepseudohover"};
   for (a in moreforas) {   
    if (moreforas.hasownproperty(a)) {
     handlers[a] = moreforas[a];
  for (h in handlers) {
   if (handlers.hasownproperty(h)) {
    handler = function () {
    el.attachevent("on" + h, handler);
  el.attachevent("onpropertychange", this.readpropertychange);
 givelayout: function (el) {
  el.style.zoom = 1;
  if (el.currentstyle.position == "static") {
   el.style.position = "relative";
 copyimageborders: function (el) {
  var styles, s;
  styles = {"borderstyle":true, "borderwidth":true, "bordercolor":true};
  for (s in styles) {
   if (styles.hasownproperty(s)) {
    el.vml.color.shape.style[s] = el.currentstyle[s];
 vmlfill: function (el) {
  if (!el.currentstyle) {
  } else {
   var elstyle, noimg, lib, v, img, imgloaded;
   elstyle = el.currentstyle;
  for (v in el.vml) {
   if (el.vml.hasownproperty(v)) {
    el.vml[v].shape.style.zindex = elstyle.zindex;
  el.runtimestyle.backgroundcolor = "";
  el.runtimestyle.backgroundimage = "";
  noimg = true;
  if (elstyle.backgroundimage != "none" || el.isimg) {
   if (!el.isimg) {
    el.vmlbg = elstyle.backgroundimage;
    el.vmlbg = el.vmlbg.substr(5, el.vmlbg.lastindexof("")")-5);
   else {
    el.vmlbg = el.src;
   lib = this;
   if (!lib.imgsize[el.vmlbg]) { /* determine size of loaded image */
    img = document.createelement("img");
    lib.imgsize[el.vmlbg] = img;
    img.classname = lib.ns + "_sizefinder";
    img.runtimestyle.csstext = "behavior:none; position:absolute; left:-10000px; top:-10000px; border:none; margin:0; padding:0;"; /* make sure to set behavior to none to prevent accidental matching of the helper elements! */
    imgloaded = function () {
     this.width = this.offsetwidth; /* weird cache-busting requirement! */
     this.height = this.offsetheight;
    img.attachevent("onload", imgloaded);
    img.src = el.vmlbg;
    document.body.insertbefore(img, document.body.firstchild);
   el.vml.image.fill.src = el.vmlbg;
   noimg = false;
  el.vml.image.fill.on = !noimg;
  el.vml.image.fill.color = "none";
  el.vml.color.shape.style.backgroundcolor = elstyle.backgroundcolor;
  el.runtimestyle.backgroundimage = "none";
  el.runtimestyle.backgroundcolor = "transparent";
 /* ie can"t figure out what do when the offsetleft and the clientleft add up to 1, and the vml ends up getting fuzzy... so we have to push/enlarge things by 1 pixel and then clip off the excess */
 vmloffsets: function (el) {
  var thisstyle, size, fudge, makevisible, bg, bgr, dc, altc, b, c, v;
  thisstyle = el.currentstyle;
  size = {"w":el.clientwidth+1, "h":el.clientheight+1, "w":this.imgsize[el.vmlbg].width, "h":this.imgsize[el.vmlbg].height, "l":el.offsetleft, "t":el.offsettop, "blw":el.clientleft, "btw":el.clienttop};
  fudge = (size.l + size.blw == 1) ? 1 : 0;
  /* vml shape, left, top, width, height, origin */
  makevisible = function (vml, l, t, w, h, o) {
   vml.coordsize = w+","+h;
   vml.coordorigin = o+","+o;
   vml.path = "m0,0l"+w+",0l"+w+","+h+"l0,"+h+" xe";
   vml.style.width = w + "px";
   vml.style.height = h + "px";
   vml.style.left = l + "px";
   vml.style.top = t + "px";
  makevisible(el.vml.color.shape, (size.l + (el.isimg ? 0 : size.blw)), (size.t + (el.isimg ? 0 : size.btw)), (size.w-1), (size.h-1), 0);
  makevisible(el.vml.image.shape, (size.l + size.blw), (size.t + size.btw), (size.w), (size.h), 1 );
  bg = {"x":0, "y":0};
  if (el.isimg) {
   bg.x = parseint(thisstyle.paddingleft, 10) + 1;
   bg.y = parseint(thisstyle.paddingtop, 10) + 1;
  else {
   for (b in bg) {
    if (bg.hasownproperty(b)) {
     this.figurepercentage(bg, size, b, thisstyle["backgroundposition"+b]);
  el.vml.image.fill.position = (bg.x/size.w) + "," + (bg.y/size.h);
  bgr = thisstyle.backgroundrepeat;
  dc = {"t":1, "r":size.w+fudge, "b":size.h, "l":1+fudge}; /* these are defaults for repeat of any kind */
  altc = { "x": {"b1": "l", "b2": "r", "d": "w"}, "y": {"b1": "t", "b2": "b", "d": "h"} };
  if (bgr != "repeat" || el.isimg) {
   c = {"t":(bg.y), "r":(bg.x+size.w), "b":(bg.y+size.h), "l":(bg.x)}; /* these are defaults for no-repeat - clips down to the image location */
   if (bgr.search("repeat-") != -1) { /* now let"s revert to dc for repeat-x or repeat-y */
    v = bgr.split("repeat-")[1].touppercase();
    c[altc[v].b1] = 1;
    c[altc[v].b2] = size[altc[v].d];
   if (c.b > size.h) {
    c.b = size.h;
   el.vml.image.shape.style.clip = "rect("+c.t+"px "+(c.r+fudge)+"px "+c.b+"px "+(c.l+fudge)+"px)";
  else {
   el.vml.image.shape.style.clip = "rect("+dc.t+"px "+dc.r+"px "+dc.b+"px "+dc.l+"px)";
 figurepercentage: function (bg, size, axis, position) {
  var horizontal, fraction;
  fraction = true;
  horizontal = (axis == "x");
  switch(position) {
   case "left":
   case "top":
    bg[axis] = 0;
   case "center":
    bg[axis] = 0.5;
   case "right":
   case "bottom":
    bg[axis] = 1;
    if (position.search("%") != -1) {
     bg[axis] = parseint(position, 10) / 100;
    else {
     fraction = false;
  bg[axis] = math.ceil(  fraction ? ( (size[horizontal?"w": "h"] * bg[axis]) - (size[horizontal?"w": "h"] * bg[axis]) ) : parseint(position, 10)  );
  if (bg[axis] % 2 === 0) {
  return bg[axis];
 fixpng: function (el) {
  el.style.behavior = "none";
  var lib, els, nodestr, v, e;
  if (el.nodename == "body" || el.nodename == "td" || el.nodename == "tr") { /* elements not supported yet */
  el.isimg = false;
  if (el.nodename == "img") {
   if(el.src.tolowercase().search(/.png$/) != -1) {
    el.isimg = true;
    el.style.visibility = "hidden";
   else {
  else if (el.currentstyle.backgroundimage.tolowercase().search(".png") == -1) {
  lib = dd_belatedpng;
  el.vml = {color: {}, image: {}};
  els = {shape: {}, fill: {}};
  for (v in el.vml) {
   if (el.vml.hasownproperty(v)) {
    for (e in els) {
     if (els.hasownproperty(e)) {
      nodestr = lib.ns + ":" + e;
      el.vml[v][e] = document.createelement(nodestr);
    el.vml[v].shape.stroked = false;
    el.parentnode.insertbefore(el.vml[v].shape, el);
  el.vml.image.shape.fillcolor = "none"; /* don"t show blank white shapeangle when waiting for image to load. */
  el.vml.image.fill.type = "tile"; /* makes image show up. */
  el.vml.color.fill.on = false; /* actually going to apply vml element"s style.backgroundcolor, so hide the whiteness. */
  el.vmlinitiated = true;
  lib.applyvml(el); /* render! */
try {
 document.execcommand("backgroundimagecache", false, true); /* tredosoft multiple ie doesn"t like this, so try{} it */
} catch(r) {}

dd_belatedpng.fix(".m_title,.left em,.key em,.ss,"); //要透明样式名


<script type="text/javascript">
function dopng(img) {
    if(navigator.useragent.indexof("msie 6.0") > 0) {
       img.runtimestyle.backgroundimage = "none", img.runtimestyle.filter = "progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alphaimageloader(src="" + img.src + "", sizingmethod="image")", img.src = "transparent.gif";

<script type="text/javascript">
function fixpng(myimage) {
if(navigator.useragent.indexof("msie 6.0") > 0) { 
  var strnewhtml = "    + (myimage.id ? " id="" + myimage.id + """ : "")
   + (myimage.classname ? " class="" + myimage.classname + """ : "")
   + (myimage.title ? " title="" + myimage.title + """ : "title="" + myimage.alt + """)
   + " style="display:inline-block;"
   + " width:" + myimage.width + "px;"
   + " height:" + myimage.height + "px;" 
   + " filter:progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alphaimageloader(src="" + myimage.src + "", sizingmethod="scale");"
   + " " + myimage.style.csstext + ";""
   + ">";
  myimage.outerhtml = strnewhtml;

